2nd EIC Yellow Report Workshop at Pavia University

di Roberto Preghenella

The EIC Yellow Report Workshop at Pavia University is the second of a series of four workshops throughout the entire year 2020. The purpose of the Yellow Report Initiative is to advance the state and detail of the documented physics studies (White Paper, INT program proceedings) and detector concepts (Detector and R&D Handbook) in preparation for the…

1st EIC Yellow Report Workshop at Temple University

di Roberto Preghenella

The 1st EIC Yellow Report Workshop at Temple University is the first of a series of four workshops throughout the entire year 2020. The purpose of the Yellow Report Initiative is to advance the state and detail of the documented physics studies (White Paper, INT program proceedings) and detector concepts (Detector and R&D Handbook) in…

EICUG Yellow Reports – Kick-off Meeting

di Roberto Preghenella

The EIC User Group (EICUG) is organizing a 12-18 months intensive study of the EIC physics and detector concepts.  This study seeks to build on the 2014 EIC White Paper and the EIC Detector Requirements and R&D Handbook and will be complementary to the ongoing effort at laboratories and universities worldwide.  The goal of the…

Giornata nazionale EIC_NET 2019

di Roberto Preghenella

La giornata nazionale EIC_NET 2019 rappresenta il primo di una serie di appuntamenti annuali in cui i gruppi INFN interessati alla futura sperimentazione a EIC in USA discutono stato e prospettiva del coinvolgimento italiano nel progetto scientifico internazionale.

Electron Ion Collider User Group Meeting 2017

di Roberto Preghenella

The Electron Ion Collider User Group Meeting will take place on Wednesday July 19th  through Saturday July 22th, 2017 on the University of Trieste organized by the Trieste Division of INFN and the University of Trieste. It will be preceded on Tuesday July 18th by a Workshop on Accelerators dedicated to the discussion of the…