The January 2025 meeting of the ePIC Collaboration

di Roberto Preghenella

The January 2025 meeting of the ePIC Collaboration will take place at Villa Mondragone, the Conference Center of University of Rome Tor Vergata, from January 20th to 24th, 2025. Villa Mondragone is one of the twelve “Tusculum Villas”, the summer residences of the Roman aristocracy of the Italian Renaissance. In particular Villa Mondragone was built…

First ePIC Photo Contest

di Antonio Paladino

We are excited to announce our first ePIC photo contest! Join by providing photos related to activity in ePIC and help us buildig an archive starting from these early times of the experiment. With future similar edition of the contest, the archive will evolve as the experiment! Photos will be collected from now till a…

January 2024 ePIC Collaboration Meeting

di Roberto Preghenella

The 4th semi-annual meeting of the ePIC Collaboration is scheduled to take place from January 9th to 13th, 2024, at Argonne National Laboratory in the USA. The meeting will primarily be conducted in person, with broadcasts available over Zoom. The meeting agenda will include plenary sessions that provide status reports on the collaboration and the EIC project,…

The 2023 Electron-Ion Collider User Group (EICUG) meeting

di Roberto Preghenella

The 2023 Electron-Ion Collider User Group (EICUG) meeting will take place in Warsaw, July 24th – 31st 2023. The meeting will be run in a hybrid mode with the in-person meeting at the University of Warsaw and remotely on Zoom. It will feature recent advances in the Electron-Ion Collider project, ePIC collaboration meeting, discussions on the second…

January 2023 ePIC Collaboration Meeting

di Roberto Preghenella

The second meeting of the ePIC Collaboration will take place January 9-11th at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. The meeting will be held in a hybrid format to allow all members of the international collaboration to take part.  The meeting is open to both current members of the ePIC collaboration as well as all…

Electron-Ion Collider User Group Meeting – 2022

di Roberto Preghenella

The 2022  Electron-Ion Collider User Group meeting will take place from July 26-30, 2022 will be hosted by the Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science (CFNS) at Stony Brook University.  The meeting will be run in a hybrid mode with the in-person meeting at the Wang Center and remotely on Zoom. The meeting will feature recent advances in EIC project including the…