The Electron-Ion Collider also speaks Italian

di Marta Ruspa

A “Newsletter Focus” on the ePIC Collaboration and the Electron-Ion Collider has been published on the January 2025 issue of the online INFN Newsletter magazine of the Italian Nation Institute for Nuclear Physics. Click on the button below to read it.

The January 2025 meeting of the ePIC Collaboration

di Roberto Preghenella

The January 2025 meeting of the ePIC Collaboration will take place at Villa Mondragone, the Conference Center of University of Rome Tor Vergata, from January 20th to 24th, 2025. Villa Mondragone is one of the twelve “Tusculum Villas”, the summer residences of the Roman aristocracy of the Italian Renaissance. In particular Villa Mondragone was built starting from 1573 by Cardinal Mark Sittich von Hohenems Altemps and it hosted the popes for their summer residence during the following century. It is in Villa Mondragone that pope Gregory XIII initiated in 1582 the reform of the calendar now in use and known as the Gregorian calendar.

First ePIC Photo Contest

di Antonio Paladino

We are excited to announce our first ePIC photo contest! Join by providing photos related to activity in ePIC and help us buildig an archive starting from these early times of the experiment. With future similar edition of the contest, the archive will evolve as the experiment! Photos will be collected from now till a few days before the meeting in Frascati. During the collaboration meeting all ePIC members will have the possibility to vote (electronically) and the first 3 winners will beannunced (and simbolically rewarded) during the closing session of the meeting. The rules of the contest are as…

Domenico Elia begins term as ePIC Italy National INFN Coordinator

di Pietro Antonioli

On November 1st 2024, Domenico Elia (INFN Bari) began his term as the new ePIC Italy National INFN Coordinator. He succeeded Pietro Antonioli (INFN Bologna), who held the position for a three-year term, dating back to when the INFN CSN3 sigla was still known as EIC_NET. Throughout his career, Domenico has been primarily engaged in relativistic heavy-ion collision physics at CERN, starting with the WA94 experiment at the SPS and currently with the ALICE experiment at the LHC. He is an expert in silicon detectors for charged-particle tracking. The Bari group, to which he belongs, has played a crucial role…

[Andrea Nicoletti] Analisi e ricostruzione dati in modalità trigger-less del prototipo del rivelatore dRICH per l’esperimento ePIC a EIC

di Roberto Preghenella

Lo Electron-Ion Collider è un acceleratore di particelle che sarà costruito negli USA a partire dal 2026. Il suo scopo principale sarà di studiare alcuni aspetti della Cromodinamica Quantistica (QCD). Il rivelatore principale di tale acceleratore verrà realizzato dalla collaborazione ePIC e comprende un dispositivo dual-radiator RICH per l’identificazione delle particelle cariche. Per testarne i diversi componenti del rivelatore, ne è stato realizzato un prototipo su cui sono stati effettuati diversi esperimenti di prova. Il prototipo include un sistema di trigger esterno per segnalare il momento del passaggio delle particelle attraverso il rivelatore. Il fulcro di questo lavoro di tesi…

[Elena Mariotti] Quality test and construction of the prototype SiPM optical readout plane for the ePIC-dRICH detector at the EIC

di Roberto Preghenella

L’Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) è un acceleratore di particelle in fase di realizzazione presso i laboratori nazionali di Brookhaven negli USA e permetterà di approfondire le nostre conoscenze sulla natura dell’interazione forte e sulla struttura nucleare, analizzando collisioni di elettroni con nuclei e protoni. Presso EIC l’esperimento ePIC prevede un sistema di identificazione di particelle, per il quale è previsto l’utilizzo nella regione in avanti di un rivelatore dual-radiator RICH. Quest’ultimo prevede l’impiego di due radiatori, in modo tale da coprire un intervallo di impulsi ampio, e l’integrazione di fotorivelatori per rivelare l’emissione di luce Cherenkov per risalire alla massa delle…

An ePIC beginning for the Italian journey to the Electron-Ion Collider

di Roberto Preghenella

An Italian ePIC newsletter has been published on SIF Prima Pagina, the online magazine of the Italian Physical Society. SIF Prima Pagina is an electronic-only newsletter, aimed to timely distribute interesting news on facts, events, results and opinions from Italy, Europe and from all over the world, and give interesting communications for physicists’ community. Click on the button below to read it.